Basic Facts

Little Known Facts About Measurement Tools

Unless you are in a field that does a ton of technical work, it is likely that you won’t know a lot of the ins and outs of measurement tools. However, knowing at least basic technical information can help you out, whether you choose to go into a field that uses measurement tools, or you just need them for a home project. Read on for some things you should know!

measurement-tools-load-cellDepending on the primary and secondary element, there are five different types of load cells, which are used to sense force. They are called strain gauge type load cells, hydraulic load cells, diaphragm load cells, spool type load cells and ring type load cells.

measurement-services-calibrationTo calibrate a tool, you compare the measurements of two tools — one of which you know has the correct measurement and one which you use to test.



measurement-tools-torque-wrenchA torque wrench is generally used to give specific torque to something like a nut or bolt. The torque wrench was invented in 1918 by Conrad Bahr during his time at the New York City Water Department.


measurement-services-strain-gagingStrain gauge technology is well-established and proven over the last 40 years, which is why it is used in most load cells.


measurement-tools-load-cell-capacityLoad cells are able to accurately load measurement data in a non-invasive way, which is why they are often used in weighing systems. They ensure an accuracy close to 0.03 to 1%.  



measurement-tools-torque-sensorTorque sensor units and load cells can operate within a wide temperature range: -452 degrees F to 450 degrees F.





There are numerous standards, such as ISO9000, that specify how often a device must be calibrated. It is mostly two years or less, but could be more frequent depending on evidence of deterioration.

Basic Fundamental Facts